Attention all BCWA members - the second intake of the Local Sport Relief Fund (LSRF) is now open! This application-based grant will be administered through viaSport and increases the financial assistance available to non-profit, community level sport organizations, clubs and associations who have been impacted by COVID-19.
Updates to the Second Intake:
The application process for the second intake will remain largely the same as in the fall, but with a few important changes:
All successful applicants from the first intake will be topped-up to receive the total amount of funding they requested, to a maximum of $7,500. This is in recognition of the high financial need of these organizations, with the aim of reducing the likelihood of their collapse or permanent closure. This will be communicated to second time applicants directly by viaSport and there is no need to re-apply. Funding will be delivered as soon as it is received by viaSport.
Organizations who applied in the fall but were not selected for funding or requested less than $7,500 will be able to reapply.
To reduce the application burden, organizations who are reapplying can choose between submitting a new application, or update their previous application with financial information only. When selecting this option, updated financial information will be combined with the information submitted in the initial intake application and assessed in its entirety.
What Organizations are Eligible?
Applications may be submitted by organizations that are:
Non-profit local sport organizations
Non-profit local sport organizations, which exist for the sole purpose of serving underrepresented populations and have well-established sport programming. Underserved populations include Indigenous peoples, girls & women, LGBTQ+, low-income individuals, persons with disabilities, ethnic or religious minorities, and newcomers to Canada or refugees.
All organizations must be located in British Columbia and focus on sport delivery at the local or community level. Organizations must be not-for-profit and have a B.C. registered society or CRA charity number. For-profit organizations and those with a provincial scope of delivery are not eligible, including viaSport’s funded Provincial Sport, Disability Sport, Multi-Sport and Regional Alliance partners.
How to Apply:
Full information on the Local Sport Relief Fund and application process can be found here:
You can also check out viaSport's news story for more information on funding.